Aug 20Liked by Chris Guest

That's a great introduction to lean category design. I'm new here glad to know about it and your work.

...But, I have a question-

"How can I learn category design as a career field and apply it practically to help others by providing consulting or mentoring ?"

Need these answers...

I'm a computer science undergraduate student currently in college and interested in this timeless new opportunity. I've been reading free mini books, books, and newsletters from category Pirates for a few months.

I learned a lot but I need more clarity and practical approach (wishing someone expert educate me).

NOW, I learned about lean category design!

As for my credibility: I learned digital writing and social media Ghoswriting from ship 30 for 30 and PGA. I'm an intermediate level writer.

And also, I'm not a native English speaker.

Here's a request -

"Can you please take me under you as your student so that I get clarity and also help with your work if I become expert?"

As a beginner, I'm into learning not for money benefits.

SORRY, It's bit too long....Thanks for Reading 🙏


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Hi and thanks for your feedback and interest!

Sounds like you have already discovered and read the OG texts on Category Design, what you need now is some practice!

I’d recommend you find a friend or business owner that you respect and offer to do some category design for them for free, just to experience the differences between theory and reality.

Well maybe not free. Because people don’t value what they don’t pay for. But make them a cheap offer they can’t refuse.

I’ll be building out the email course and associated content soon, but you can also get started by trying to draft your own process and apply it to an early customer.

Good luck and stay in touch!

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Aug 20Liked by Chris Guest

Okay, thanks for the reply!

I need to improve more. I can see unique business ideas in my local areas which people can even think of yet easy to implement but I need to have some credibility to make people believe in me.

I'll keep in touch with you. Teach us more!

I thought as a beginner I should provide free service and practice in the field as an intern. After that when my services help my client or anyone then I make it and frame it as a portfolio to showcase it to my new clients.

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Sounds great my friend. Good luck to you.

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